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Triple Science | Years 10 & 11

Examination Board | AQA
Specification Codes
  • AQA Biology GCSE | 8461
  • AQA Chemistry GCSE | 8462
  • AQA Physics GCSE | 8463

Subject Content

Year 10

Based on the National Curriculum for Science, we strive for our KS4 science students to develop deeper thinking and to ask more and more questions about the world around them. Building on the breadth of knowledge from KS3, we focus in depth on key topics in order to maximise success for students.

The Triple Science option gives students the opportunity to study each of the sciences as a separate subject throughout Year 10. Students will receive three separate GCSEs (Biology GCSE, Chemistry GCSE and Physics GCSE) if they are successful in this course.

Students will study the following as part of each qualification during Year 10:

Biology GCSE

  • B2 organisation
  • B3 Infection and response
  • B4 Bioenergetics
  • B7 Ecology

Chemistry GCSE

  • C2 Bonding, structure and properties of matter
  • C3 Quantitative chemistry
  • C4 Chemical Changes
  • C5 Energy changes
  • C6 The rate and extent of chemical change
  • C7 Organic Chemistry

Physics GCSE

  • P2 Electricity
  • P4 Atomic structure
  • P5 Forces
  • P6 Waves

The aim of Year 10 is to really focus on developing knowledge across many topics in order to reduce curriculum time devoted to this in Year 11.

Year 11

Students will study the following as part of each qualification during Year 11.

Biology GCSE

  • B5 Homeostasis and Response
  • B6 Inheritance, variation and evolution

Chemistry GCSE

  • C8 Chemical analysis
  • C9 Chemistry of the atmosphere
  • C10 Using Resources

Physics GCSE

  • P7 Magnetism and electromagnetism
  • P8 Space

The aim of Year 11 is to complete the curriculum as early in the year as possible in order to devote time to revision, practice and preparation.

Assessment Details

The assessment plan for Years 10 and 11, consists of regular 'Knowledge check' style assessments throughout the year which students will be given notice of via their Google Classroom.

Year 10

There will be two formal assessments:

  • Mid-year assessment
  • End of year mock exams

Year 11

There will be two formal assessments:

  • October mock exams
  • January mock exams

All of these assessment types work to inform current grades for students and to identify areas for development.

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • Students will need a scientific calculator.
  • We have recommended revision guides which are available in the school shop.
  • Coloured pencils are useful for diagrams.

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Take an interest in the science that students are studying and discuss this with them.
  • Information for the AP exams is published in advance. Please use this as an opportunity to help students get into good habits in terms of revision and exam preparation.
  • We recommend the use of Seneca learning. Encourage students to engage with this regularly and to use it for targeted revision in the preparation for exams
  • Knowledge is key to success at GCSE. It helps students to explore ways of committing information to memory – mini-tests, podcasts, Seneca, mnemonics etc.
  • Take advantage of relevant science institutes to support interest in science. For example, Tring Museum, National History Museum, Science Museum, Woburn Safari Park, College Lake, Whipsnade Zoo.
  • ISBN 978-0-00-816073-9 | Physics
  • ISBN 978-0-00-816075-3 | Chemistry
  • ISBN 978-0-00-816074-6 | Biology

Teaching Staff

Head of Science

Mrs Beatty - Save

Second in Science

Mrs Moore -

Teachers of Science

Mr Brockwell - (Science Opportunities Coordinator)

Mrs Barnes -

Miss Edwards -

Mr Mudarikiri -

Mrs Woodburn -

Mr Caputo -

Miss Gamage -

Mrs Hooley -

Mrs Baldwin -

Mrs Smith -

Mr Magill -