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Week 1| Week 2

PE KS4 | Years 10 & 11

Examination Board | OCR
Specification Code | XXX

Subject Content

Students will receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science by developing an understanding of how the mind and body work in relation to performance in physical activity.

Assessment Details

  • Written paper: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks This paper consists of a mixture of objective response and multiple-choice questions, short answers and extended response items.
  • Written paper: 1 hour 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks This paper consists of a mixture of objective response and multiple-choice questions, short answers and extended response items.
  • Non-exam assessment (NEA) 30% of total GCSE (9–1) 60 marks This NEA will consist of three activities, including at least one ‘team’ and at least one ‘individual’ sport from the approved activity lists, all performed in competitive situations.
  • Non-exam assessment (NEA) 10% of total GCSE (9–1) 20 marks This NEA will consist of a written task that must be produced under controlled conditions.
  • We have mock exams in October and March and students often need help in organising revision time.
  • In Physical Education we have our Component 3 (practical moderation) before Easter so all practical assessments, both in school and off-site (video) will need to be completed by February half-term.

Additional Equipment Recommended

  • OCR GCSE PE Workbook
  • Access to the climbing course - details to follow

What can I do to support my child at home?

  • Help students identify their 3 assessed practical activities and support practice opportunities at home.
  • Where 1 or more activities are ‘off-site’ (not covered in school), e.g. swimming supports the video recording of skills in isolation and condition practice (competition). Advice is provided by the department.
  • Encourage students to attend revision sessions at lunchtime and after school.
  • Ask students to explain what they have covered in class as this can help ‘internalise’ information.
  • Ensure homework on Google Classroom is completed.

Recommended Resources for the Course

  • GCSE Physical Education OCR Exam Practice Workbook (includes Answers) ISBN: 9781789083217 (essential)

Teaching Staff 

Head of PE

Miss Felton -

Second in PE

Mr Curtis -

Teachers of PE

Mr Tymon -

Mrs Savage -

Miss Keveren -

Mrs Kinloch -

Mr Henry -

Mr Loveday -